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    Cannabiogen Delta Ten


    Sold by Natural Systems. More information

    Cannabiogen Delta Diez flowering biostimulator fertilizer, a unique product that enhances the enzymatic and protein activity of plants, responsible for the formation of essential oils and resins. If what you are looking for is to fatten your flowers with a compaction like you've never seen before, Delta Diez is your perfect ally.


    As a result of years of study, the Cannabiogen researchers managed to balance three essential components, from the pharmaceutical industry, capable of increasing the enzymatic and protein activity of your plants. These physiological reactions are very necessary for the manufacture of cannabinoids, especially THC.

    Delta Diez works as a flowering finisher compactor. Its formula combines extract of seaweed, Ascophyllum nodosum and micronutrients. It provides plants with a large number of nutrients, but above all it contains enzymes that improve the cation exchange of the clay-humic system of the substrate. This enhances the biological activity and the absorption of food by the roots.

    Its effect affects Trichoderma fungi, which, like mycorrhizal fungi, colonize the root zone, eliminating other types of fungi and pathogenic microorganisms. The result is an increase in nutrient uptake and greater resistance to soil-borne diseases.

    Delta Diez promotes the natural reproduction of bacteria of the genus Rhizobium, Parasponia and Frankia. Which make metabolites such as vitamins and enzymes. They fulfill an important bio-fungicidal function that prevents the appearance of harmful soil fungi such as Alternaria, Fusarium, Phytoptora among others.

    How to use
    1.5-3.5 mL / L. Apply from the beginning of flowering, until the third to last week before harvest. For every 0.5mL per liter of water Delta Ten increases the EC by approximately 0.3 mS / cm.
    Available formats:
    150 ml, 500 ml and 5L

    Composition and complex formulation of Cannabiogen Delta Ten:
    MOT ------------------------ 25%

    Main elements:
    Total Nitrogen ---------- 2% pp
    Organic Nitrogen ---- 1.1% pp
    Nitric Nitrogen ------- 0.21% pp
    Ammonia Nitrogen - 0.69% pp
    Phosphorus -------------------- 12%
    Potassium -------------------- 13.2% pp
    Amino Acids ------------- 3%

    Microelements of Delta Ten:
    Boron ------------ 273.2 ppm.
    Cobalt -------- 351.9 ppm.
    Copper ---------- 351.2 ppm.
    Manganese - 321.7 ppm.
    Molybdenum ---- 293.5 ppm.
    Zinc ------------ 342.6 ppm.
    Iron --------- 244.8 ppm.