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    Prot-Eco Equiprot


    Sold by Natural Systems. More information
    Equiprot is a nutritional preparation for foliar use based on vegetable extracts (horsetail), rich in acids, organic matter and alkaloids that strengthen the structural wall of the treated plant, positively influencing the development of all parts of the plant. In three hours the product will have already had its effect, from this time on it does not affect rain or dew. Equiprot does not leave any residue or has a waiting period. Valid for organic crops.

    Equiprot exercises a biological control of various diseases of fungal origin. Recommended for plants with abnormal growth or future spring frosts. It acts as a phytofortifier against these and other stressful situations.

    Equiprot is indicated against diseases such as: Sectoriosis, Alternaria, Fusarium, Crivado, Dent, Mildew and a wide spectrum of diseases and situations of climatological stress. Its nourishing and anti-stress effect is visible throughout the plant. Its use is suitable for self-cultivation, indoor and greenhouse cannabiculture.

    Combinations: for the greater control of botrytis fungus, the mixture of Equiprot with Botryprot is recommended. In this case Equiprot will dry the affected part, accelerating the disappearance of the fungus. For greater control against powdery mildew, the mixture will be OidioProt with Equiprot.

    Foliar Dosage: 7 to 10ml / L. Depending on the desired effect and state of the crop.

    PH mixture: 5.5 - 6.5. Wet well all the green organs of the plant including flowers and undersides of the leaves. Do not mix with alkaline products. For treatments in seedlings or squirts with little root mass, the low dose will be used.

    Equiprot has no residues or waiting period (although in cannabis cultivation it is recommended to stop applying it 7 days outdoors and 10 or 12 days indoors and in the greenhouse before harvesting)