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    Teco-30 White Device Tecodor


    Sold by Natural Systems. More information

    Product specially created for the elimination of odor, with a wide spectrum of action, which inhibits and eliminates the olfactory discomfort generated by the emission in the production of your crop.

    TECO30 (WHITE OR GRAY) Tabletop or wall-mounted device, which has a fan and 12 V-220 V transformer incorporating intensity regulator. Measurements: 280 x 100 x 100 mm. Weight: 1,320 grs. Consumption: 2W Product: Polymer ( Bars or ¢ Bars ) Designed for spaces up to 40 m▓

    It is a product specially created for the elimination of odor, with a wide spectrum of action, which inhibits and eliminates the olfactory discomfort generated by the emission in the production of Cannabis, whose main components are terpenes, aromatic hydrocarbons and amines. It contains a very high concentration of active inhibitors AND ELIMINATORS of odors coming mainly from the mentioned compounds and has a very remarkable degree of efficiency in mitigating odorant contamination through the application of the mentioned active principles, which are released. ? gradually of the product, in its liquid and / or polymer presentation.
    It is important to highlight the odor eliminating nature of the product. Our eliminators, based on flower essences, contain natural eliminators that, by chemical reaction, attract malodorous molecules destroying their original effect, this chemical reaction is called? COMPLEXATION.

    It is applicable depending on the space to be treated, the application system is determined, which has its origin in a liquid product that sublimates the active principles of the product.
    The dosage of the product will be determined by the degree of existing odor contamination. Therefore, the treatment must be calculated by varying the liquid and / or polymer amount of treatment. For this calculation Aplidium SOLUTIO, SL makes available to the client our technical department with the aim of collaborating in the development of the treatment and determine the most appropriate dose in each case.