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    Trabe Bio-Eco Chelates 1L (ZN-MN-FE)


    Sold by Natural Systems. More information

    Bachumus evolution growth and flowering are organic fertilizers based on 100% plant matter fermented with bacteria and enzymes

    Bachumus evolution growth and flowering are organic fertilizers based on 100% plant matter fermented with bacteria and enzymes under strict laboratory control, to which seaweed has been added that enhance its stimulation capacity in the growth phase and at the time of flowering, in addition to Proneem, which helps in the strengthening and defense of the plant against external pathogens. Bachumus evolution growth and flowering provide the plant with all the necessary nutrients for its optimal development, increasing the levels of natural phytohormones in it and not requiring any additional contribution to achieve a maximum quality harvest. Bachumus evolution growth and flowering, due to its high content of phosphorus and organic matter, are ideal both for its growth stage and for its flowering stage, since its composition, rich in humic and fulvic compounds, improves the absorption of nutrients and structures the soil or growing medium, favoring the root development of the plant. Bachumus evolution growth and flowering increase the quality of crops and flowering. Compatible with Mycoplant powder, which helps to gain efficiency in the phosphorus uptake process.


    A) Apply in irrigation: add 4 ml. of Bachumus per liter of irrigation water once a week, during the entire flowering period.

    B) Foliar application: 4ml in 1L. of water. 1st Application when the first flowers appear. Repeat every 15-20 days.


    A) Apply in irrigation: add 4 ml. of Bachumus per liter of irrigation water once a week, during the entire flowering period.

    B) Foliar application: 4ml in 1L. of water. 1st Application when the first 4-5 leaves appear. Repeat every 15-20 days.