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    Trabe Ekisan Liquid Horsetail


    Sold by Natural Systems. More information

    Ekisan is a product of plant origin, it contains a variety of bioactive nutrients formed by amino acids of plant origin

    Ekisan provides natural nutrients in a way that favors the balanced development of plants, making them more resistant to adversity.



    - Equisetonin; a saponin toxic to fungi.
    - Trace elements of silicon, which enhance the strengthening of the plant structure.
    - Flavonoids; nutrients with antimicrobial properties.
    - Organic acids.

    It is a very effective product to prevent and treat the appearance of fungi.

    - Preventive treatment (for about 8 consecutive days).
    Obvious risk situations with high humidity and little sun.

    - Curative treatment (for 3 days).
    Greater effectiveness if we mix Ekisan horsetail with iron chelate.